incremental costs

美 [ˌɪnkrəˈmɛntəl kɔːsts]英 [ˌɪnkrɪˈmɛnt(ə)l kɒsts]
  • 网络增量成本;增加成本
incremental costsincremental costs
  1. Incremental costs are sometimes regarded as synonymous with the economist 's marginal costs , but a distinction should be drawn between the two concepts .


  2. Actual incremental costs are likely to be below expected costs due to increased competition and innovation .


  3. The incremental costs of low-carbon infrastructure would be about $ 270bn annually .


  4. A more coherent view is that it should be money used to cover the " incremental costs " of low-carbon developments .


  5. Having thus brought down the cost of capital , the " incremental costs " of renewable-energy projects over the standard sort would be relatively low .


  6. They feel they are being ripped off if incremental costs are added that were not disclosed at the outset .


  7. Even though some adaptation strategies may result in cost savings for some countries , but the incremental costs of adaptation strategies could result in a serious burden for developing countries .


  8. Of the $ 80 billion investment need per year , approximately $ 25 billion a year of concessional financing is needed to cover the incremental costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy .


  9. The report suggests that the incremental investment costs of a low-carbon future over the current higher-carbon one would be very small .


  10. DAOS enables a large reduction in incremental backup costs because the DAOS repository isolates large blocks of data into separate , unchanging files .


  11. Incremental unit operating costs 250.26 yuan / ton .


  12. Then the average annual net profit is calculated by dividing the difference between incremental revenues and costs by the estimated life of the investment .


  13. The increase was mainly driven by currency fluctuations in South America and Asia and incremental stock based compensation costs compared to the prior year .


  14. Incremental rate of return : The discount rate which equalizes the present value of incremental costs with the incremental Benefits of the project .
